NYFW 2016 Day 5

NYFW 2016 Day 5 Recap

Day 5 was so cool, for I was able to actually go back stage for the show I attended. I had to work on day 5, which put a bit of a damper on things, but I was so happy to go to one show!

If y’all have seen me bragging about KIKO cosmetics on Instagram, then you know how much fun it has been to begin working with them! Thanks to KIKO, I was able to head backstage for the Karen Walker show.

Karen Walker is one of my favorites, because the sunnies are to die for. I love the eyewear consistency and designs. KIKO is an amazing brand to be working with, and I love talking about them because their I truly do love their products. If you get the chance, you have to try the color correction concealer wheel, I think it is my favorite product.

This was my first ever backstage experience, and I have to tell y’all, I cannot stop thinking about it. It was so worth it to be back there and see all of the clothing up close and personal. The time I was able to spend admiring the detail really made my NYFW 2016 experience.

If y’all don’t know much about Karen Walker, she has a very mod vibe to her collections. To give you some hints about this collection, there are a ton of cool sunnies coming your way and a bunch of scarves and chokers, which is a big tend alert for fall 2016.

This day was truly amazing and I am so grateful for the experience. The entire show was stunning and timeless.



[Post contributed to by Jacqueline Kooser]

Photo Feb 15, 1 01 20 PM Photo Feb 15, 1 07 39 PM Photo Feb 15, 12 56 27 PM Photo Feb 15, 12 55 46 PM Photo Feb 15, 12 48 53 PM Photo Feb 15, 11 42 57 PM

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Thank you to Karen Walker and KIKO for including me in this amazing experience!