NYFW 2016 Day 7

NYFW 2016 Day 7 Recap

The last day of this season’s NYFW was a bittersweet one. It always gets me down when the craziness is over. This week was full of so many fun, interesting learning experiences and I have loved sharing all of it with y’all through the blog and my Instagram feed. 

On day 7 I was able to go to the Marchesa show. I have to tell ya, I know exactly who I want to design my wedding gown and exactly what I want my dress to look like after attending this incredibly beautiful show. These dresses were like looking at a dream. They were the most fabulous pieces I have ever seen. I was able to capture half of my favorite dress but you can see the entire show on VOGUE Runway. I encourage all of you to follow along VOGUE Runway for awesome fashion updates, live shows, interviews, and more. 

After the Marchesa show I went to the Leyton Astor launch. Leyton Astor is an edgy new designer and I was so humbled to be a part of this launch experience. Everything is very minimalist and the quality is unreal. The fit of each piece is also true to size and I always appreciate that. Y’all have to check out the new store in SoHo if you live in the city. 

Shoutout to Elena from A New York Love Affair for joining me on this fun last day! Adventures in fashion are always more fun with you. And shoutout to all of my readers, connections, family and friends. NYFW is over and I am already fearing up for what’s to come for the rest of Spring and Fall. I couldn’t get through these hectic, fun, busy and exciting times without y’alls support. 

That’s all for NYFW 2016! I have a video real coming together featuring all my snapchat videos from throughout the week that I will be revealing soon. Stay tuned! 



[Post contributed to by Jacqueline Kooser]

Photo Feb 17, 5 34 16 PM

Photo Feb 17, 5 31 13 PM Photo Feb 17, 5 33 28 PM Photo Feb 17, 7 50 49 PM

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset

Thank you to Marchesa and Leyton Astor for including me in this seasons fun!